
Hogyan tároljunk értéket a tömbben

A tömb hasonló típusú elemek csoportja, amelyeknek összefüggő memóriahelye van. A tömb hasonló típusú változók gyűjteménye, amelyekre egy közös név szerepel.

Ez az oktatóanyag röviden bemutatja, hogyan lehet értéket tárolni egy tömbben az általánosan használt nyelveken.

1. C Nyelv

Minden tömb a memóriahelyek összefüggő blokkja. Alapértelmezés szerint a tömb legalacsonyabb pozíciója tárolja az első elemet, a legmagasabb pozíció pedig az utolsó adatot. C-ben a tömb deklarálása az elem típusának és az adatok tárolásához szükséges tömb teljes hosszának megadásával történik.

Szintaxis a tömb deklarálásához

 type arrayName [ arrSize ]; 

A tömbértékek tárolására szolgáló inicializálás szintaxisa

 double balance[6] = {500.0, 52.0, 63.6, 77.80, 70.10, 80.12}; 


 #include int main () { int n[ 11 ]; /* declaring an array comprising of 11 integers */ int i,j; /* initialize elements of array n to 0 */ for ( i = 0; i <11; 100 i++ ) { n[ i ]="i" + 10; * storing or initializing the array at location with element } result of element's value for (j="0;" j < 11; j++ printf('element stored position [%d]="%d
&apos;," j, n[j] ); return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element stored at position [0] = 10 Element stored at position [1] = 11 Element stored at position [2] = 12 Element stored at position [3] = 13 Element stored at position [4] = 14 Element stored at position [5] = 15 Element stored at position [6] = 16 Element stored at position [7] = 17 Element stored at position [8] = 18 Element stored at position [9] = 19 Element stored at position [10] = 20 </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Array in C</h3> <p>In C language, the elements of a 2 D (two-dimensional) array are accessed with the help of subscripts, i.e., the row index number and the column index number of the array.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax for declaring Array</strong> </p> <pre> int val = arr[x][y]; </pre> <p> <strong>Syntax for Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays</strong> </p> <pre> int a[1][4] = { {4, 4, 2, 1} , /* initializers for row indexed by 0 */ {4, 5, 16, 10} , /* initializers for row indexed by 1 */ {8, 19, 10, 11} /* initializers for row indexed by 2 */ }; </pre> <p> <strong></strong> </p> <pre> #include int main () { /* declaring and initializing the array with 4 rows and 2 columns*/ int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {1,2}, {2,4}, {3,6}}; int i, j; /* output each array element&apos;s value */ for ( i = 0; i <4; i++ ) { for ( j="0;" < 2; j++ printf(' data stored in 2d array[%d][%d]="%d
&apos;," i,j, arr[i][j] ); } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Data stored in 2D array[0][0] = 1 Data stored in 2D array[0][1] = 0 Data stored in 2D array[1][0] = 1 Data stored in 2D array[1][1] = 2 Data stored in 2D array[2][0] = 2 Data stored in 2D array[2][1] = 4 Data stored in 2D array[3][0] = 3 Data stored in 2D array[3][1] = 6 </pre> <h2>2. C++ Language</h2> <p>In C++ language the user needs to specify the element type and total length of array.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to Declare Array</strong> </p> <pre> type arrName [ arrSize ]; </pre> <p> <strong>Syntax to initialize array</strong> </p> <pre> int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows. int arr[4] = {1,7,50,6}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) { cout << 'array at position[' i ']: '; arr[i]<< endl; } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0]: 1 array at position[1]: 7 array at position[2]: 50 array at position[3]: 6 </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>C++ language also enables the Multidimensional arrays.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax for initializing 2D array</strong> </p> <pre> int a[4][3] = { {0, 1, 2} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 0 */ {42, 25, 62} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 1 */ {18, 90, 15}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 2 */ {21, 19, 25}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 3 */ }; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows and 2 columns. int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {0,2}, {2,3}, {5,6}}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) for ( int j="0;" < 2; j++ { cout << 'array at position[' i '][' ']: '; arr[i][j]<< endl; } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0][0]: 1 array at position[0][1]: 0 array at position[1][0]: 0 array at position[1][1]: 2 array at position[2][0]: 2 array at position[2][1]: 3 array at position[3][0]: 5 array at position[3][1]: 6 </pre> <h2>3. Java</h2> <p>In Java language, Arrays work differently than what they used to do in C or C++ language.</p> <h3>One-Dimensional Arrays:</h3> <p>To declare an array, the user needs to have two primary components: the type and the array&apos;s name.</p> <p>The &apos;Type&apos; refers to the elementary type of a specific array. It determines the data type of all elements that are included in the array. It comprises the array of primitive data types, unlike integers, char, float, double, etc., or it could include the user-defined data types (objects of a class) as well. Therefore, the element type for the array concludes what kind of data the array will contain.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> type arr_var_name[]; OR type[] arr_var_name; OR var-name = new type [size]; </pre> <p> <strong>Store values in one-dimensional array</strong> </p> <p>Assigning values to an element in an array is similar to assigning values to scalar variables.</p> <pre> Array [index]= initializers; arr[1]= 50 arr[2]= 20 </pre> <h4>NOTE: It the array element is not assigned any value, by default it has a Null (empty) value.</h4> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> //Java Program to demonstrate how to initialize, store and display //values in one-dimensional arrays. class Testarray{ public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[]=new int[5];//declaration and instantiation arr[0]=20;//initialization of the array arr[1]=40; arr[2]=60; arr[3]=80; arr[4]=100; //traversing array to print the array values for(int i=0;i <arr.length;i++) system.out.println(arr[i]); }} < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 20 40 60 80 100 </pre> <h3>Arrays of Objects</h3> <p>An array of objects is constructed in the same way as an array of primitive type data elements.</p> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println('element at ' + i : arr[i].id_no +' '+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + ' '); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks['Reema ']='95'; $marks['John']='45'; $marks ['Rahul ']='20'; echo 'Reema's Marks: '.$marks ['Reema '].' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,'Reema',95), array(2,'john',45), array(3,'rahul',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].' '; } echo ' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;></pre></arr.length;i++)></pre></4;></pre></4;></pre></4;></pre></11;>

Többdimenziós tömb C-ben

A C nyelvben egy 2 D-s (kétdimenziós) tömb elemeit alsó indexek, azaz a tömb sorindexszáma és oszlopindexszáma segítségével érjük el.

Szintaxis az Array deklarálásához

 int val = arr[x][y]; 

Szintaxis kétdimenziós tömbök inicializálásához

 int a[1][4] = { {4, 4, 2, 1} , /* initializers for row indexed by 0 */ {4, 5, 16, 10} , /* initializers for row indexed by 1 */ {8, 19, 10, 11} /* initializers for row indexed by 2 */ }; 

 #include int main () { /* declaring and initializing the array with 4 rows and 2 columns*/ int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {1,2}, {2,4}, {3,6}}; int i, j; /* output each array element&apos;s value */ for ( i = 0; i <4; i++ ) { for ( j="0;" < 2; j++ printf(\' data stored in 2d array[%d][%d]="%d
&apos;," i,j, arr[i][j] ); } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Data stored in 2D array[0][0] = 1 Data stored in 2D array[0][1] = 0 Data stored in 2D array[1][0] = 1 Data stored in 2D array[1][1] = 2 Data stored in 2D array[2][0] = 2 Data stored in 2D array[2][1] = 4 Data stored in 2D array[3][0] = 3 Data stored in 2D array[3][1] = 6 </pre> <h2>2. C++ Language</h2> <p>In C++ language the user needs to specify the element type and total length of array.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to Declare Array</strong> </p> <pre> type arrName [ arrSize ]; </pre> <p> <strong>Syntax to initialize array</strong> </p> <pre> int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows. int arr[4] = {1,7,50,6}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) { cout << \'array at position[\' i \']: \'; arr[i]<< endl; } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0]: 1 array at position[1]: 7 array at position[2]: 50 array at position[3]: 6 </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>C++ language also enables the Multidimensional arrays.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax for initializing 2D array</strong> </p> <pre> int a[4][3] = { {0, 1, 2} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 0 */ {42, 25, 62} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 1 */ {18, 90, 15}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 2 */ {21, 19, 25}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 3 */ }; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows and 2 columns. int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {0,2}, {2,3}, {5,6}}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) for ( int j="0;" < 2; j++ { cout << \'array at position[\' i \'][\' \']: \'; arr[i][j]<< endl; } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0][0]: 1 array at position[0][1]: 0 array at position[1][0]: 0 array at position[1][1]: 2 array at position[2][0]: 2 array at position[2][1]: 3 array at position[3][0]: 5 array at position[3][1]: 6 </pre> <h2>3. Java</h2> <p>In Java language, Arrays work differently than what they used to do in C or C++ language.</p> <h3>One-Dimensional Arrays:</h3> <p>To declare an array, the user needs to have two primary components: the type and the array&apos;s name.</p> <p>The &apos;Type&apos; refers to the elementary type of a specific array. It determines the data type of all elements that are included in the array. It comprises the array of primitive data types, unlike integers, char, float, double, etc., or it could include the user-defined data types (objects of a class) as well. Therefore, the element type for the array concludes what kind of data the array will contain.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> type arr_var_name[]; OR type[] arr_var_name; OR var-name = new type [size]; </pre> <p> <strong>Store values in one-dimensional array</strong> </p> <p>Assigning values to an element in an array is similar to assigning values to scalar variables.</p> <pre> Array [index]= initializers; arr[1]= 50 arr[2]= 20 </pre> <h4>NOTE: It the array element is not assigned any value, by default it has a Null (empty) value.</h4> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> //Java Program to demonstrate how to initialize, store and display //values in one-dimensional arrays. class Testarray{ public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[]=new int[5];//declaration and instantiation arr[0]=20;//initialization of the array arr[1]=40; arr[2]=60; arr[3]=80; arr[4]=100; //traversing array to print the array values for(int i=0;i <arr.length;i++) system.out.println(arr[i]); }} < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 20 40 60 80 100 </pre> <h3>Arrays of Objects</h3> <p>An array of objects is constructed in the same way as an array of primitive type data elements.</p> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println(\'element at \' + i : arr[i].id_no +\' \'+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \' \'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\'Reema \']=\'95\'; $marks[\'John\']=\'45\'; $marks [\'Rahul \']=\'20\'; echo \'Reema\'s Marks: \'.$marks [\'Reema \'].\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\'Reema\',95), array(2,\'john\',45), array(3,\'rahul\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\' \'; } echo \' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;></pre></arr.length;i++)></pre></4;></pre></4;></pre></4;>

2. C++ nyelv

A C++ nyelvben a felhasználónak meg kell adnia az elem típusát és a tömb teljes hosszát.

Szintaxis a Declare Array-hez

 type arrName [ arrSize ]; 

Szintaxis a tömb inicializálásához

 int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } 


 #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows. int arr[4] = {1,7,50,6}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) { cout << \'array at position[\' i \']: \'; arr[i]<< endl; } return 0; < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0]: 1 array at position[1]: 7 array at position[2]: 50 array at position[3]: 6 </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>C++ language also enables the Multidimensional arrays.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax for initializing 2D array</strong> </p> <pre> int a[4][3] = { {0, 1, 2} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 0 */ {42, 25, 62} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 1 */ {18, 90, 15}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 2 */ {21, 19, 25}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 3 */ }; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows and 2 columns. int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {0,2}, {2,3}, {5,6}}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) for ( int j="0;" < 2; j++ { cout << \'array at position[\' i \'][\' \']: \'; arr[i][j]<< endl; } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0][0]: 1 array at position[0][1]: 0 array at position[1][0]: 0 array at position[1][1]: 2 array at position[2][0]: 2 array at position[2][1]: 3 array at position[3][0]: 5 array at position[3][1]: 6 </pre> <h2>3. Java</h2> <p>In Java language, Arrays work differently than what they used to do in C or C++ language.</p> <h3>One-Dimensional Arrays:</h3> <p>To declare an array, the user needs to have two primary components: the type and the array&apos;s name.</p> <p>The &apos;Type&apos; refers to the elementary type of a specific array. It determines the data type of all elements that are included in the array. It comprises the array of primitive data types, unlike integers, char, float, double, etc., or it could include the user-defined data types (objects of a class) as well. Therefore, the element type for the array concludes what kind of data the array will contain.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> type arr_var_name[]; OR type[] arr_var_name; OR var-name = new type [size]; </pre> <p> <strong>Store values in one-dimensional array</strong> </p> <p>Assigning values to an element in an array is similar to assigning values to scalar variables.</p> <pre> Array [index]= initializers; arr[1]= 50 arr[2]= 20 </pre> <h4>NOTE: It the array element is not assigned any value, by default it has a Null (empty) value.</h4> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> //Java Program to demonstrate how to initialize, store and display //values in one-dimensional arrays. class Testarray{ public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[]=new int[5];//declaration and instantiation arr[0]=20;//initialization of the array arr[1]=40; arr[2]=60; arr[3]=80; arr[4]=100; //traversing array to print the array values for(int i=0;i <arr.length;i++) system.out.println(arr[i]); }} < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 20 40 60 80 100 </pre> <h3>Arrays of Objects</h3> <p>An array of objects is constructed in the same way as an array of primitive type data elements.</p> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println(\'element at \' + i : arr[i].id_no +\' \'+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \' \'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\'Reema \']=\'95\'; $marks[\'John\']=\'45\'; $marks [\'Rahul \']=\'20\'; echo \'Reema\'s Marks: \'.$marks [\'Reema \'].\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\'Reema\',95), array(2,\'john\',45), array(3,\'rahul\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\' \'; } echo \' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;></pre></arr.length;i++)></pre></4;></pre></4;>

Többdimenziós tömb

A C++ nyelv lehetővé teszi a többdimenziós tömbök használatát is.

Szintaxis a 2D tömb inicializálásához

 int a[4][3] = { {0, 1, 2} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 0 */ {42, 25, 62} , /* storing data in array for row indexed by 1 */ {18, 90, 15}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 2 */ {21, 19, 25}, /* storing data in array for row indexed by 3 */ }; 


 #include using namespace std; int main () { // declaring an array with 4 rows and 2 columns. int arr[4][2] = { {1,0}, {0,2}, {2,3}, {5,6}}; // traversing the output for each array value for ( int i = 0; i <4; i++ ) for ( int j="0;" < 2; j++ { cout << \'array at position[\' i \'][\' \']: \'; arr[i][j]<< endl; } return 0; pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> array at position[0][0]: 1 array at position[0][1]: 0 array at position[1][0]: 0 array at position[1][1]: 2 array at position[2][0]: 2 array at position[2][1]: 3 array at position[3][0]: 5 array at position[3][1]: 6 </pre> <h2>3. Java</h2> <p>In Java language, Arrays work differently than what they used to do in C or C++ language.</p> <h3>One-Dimensional Arrays:</h3> <p>To declare an array, the user needs to have two primary components: the type and the array&apos;s name.</p> <p>The &apos;Type&apos; refers to the elementary type of a specific array. It determines the data type of all elements that are included in the array. It comprises the array of primitive data types, unlike integers, char, float, double, etc., or it could include the user-defined data types (objects of a class) as well. Therefore, the element type for the array concludes what kind of data the array will contain.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> type arr_var_name[]; OR type[] arr_var_name; OR var-name = new type [size]; </pre> <p> <strong>Store values in one-dimensional array</strong> </p> <p>Assigning values to an element in an array is similar to assigning values to scalar variables.</p> <pre> Array [index]= initializers; arr[1]= 50 arr[2]= 20 </pre> <h4>NOTE: It the array element is not assigned any value, by default it has a Null (empty) value.</h4> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> //Java Program to demonstrate how to initialize, store and display //values in one-dimensional arrays. class Testarray{ public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[]=new int[5];//declaration and instantiation arr[0]=20;//initialization of the array arr[1]=40; arr[2]=60; arr[3]=80; arr[4]=100; //traversing array to print the array values for(int i=0;i <arr.length;i++) system.out.println(arr[i]); }} < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 20 40 60 80 100 </pre> <h3>Arrays of Objects</h3> <p>An array of objects is constructed in the same way as an array of primitive type data elements.</p> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println(\'element at \' + i : arr[i].id_no +\' \'+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \' \'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\'Reema \']=\'95\'; $marks[\'John\']=\'45\'; $marks [\'Rahul \']=\'20\'; echo \'Reema\'s Marks: \'.$marks [\'Reema \'].\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\'Reema\',95), array(2,\'john\',45), array(3,\'rahul\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\' \'; } echo \' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;></pre></arr.length;i++)></pre></4;>

3. Java

Java nyelven a tömbök másképp működnek, mint a C vagy C++ nyelvben.

Egydimenziós tömbök:

Egy tömb deklarálásához a felhasználónak két elsődleges összetevővel kell rendelkeznie: a típusnak és a tömb nevének.

A „Típus” egy adott tömb elemi típusára utal. Meghatározza a tömbben szereplő összes elem adattípusát. Tartalmazza a primitív adattípusok tömbjét, ellentétben az egész számokkal, char, float, double stb., vagy tartalmazhatja a felhasználó által definiált adattípusokat (egy osztály objektumait) is. Ezért a tömb elemtípusa határozza meg, hogy milyen adatokat fog tartalmazni a tömb.


 type arr_var_name[]; OR type[] arr_var_name; OR var-name = new type [size]; 

Tárolja az értékeket egydimenziós tömbben

Az értékek hozzárendelése egy tömb eleméhez hasonló a skaláris változókhoz való értékek hozzárendeléséhez.

 Array [index]= initializers; arr[1]= 50 arr[2]= 20 

MEGJEGYZÉS: Ha a tömbelemhez nincs hozzárendelve érték, alapértelmezés szerint Null (üres) értéke van.


 //Java Program to demonstrate how to initialize, store and display //values in one-dimensional arrays. class Testarray{ public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[]=new int[5];//declaration and instantiation arr[0]=20;//initialization of the array arr[1]=40; arr[2]=60; arr[3]=80; arr[4]=100; //traversing array to print the array values for(int i=0;i <arr.length;i++) system.out.println(arr[i]); }} < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 20 40 60 80 100 </pre> <h3>Arrays of Objects</h3> <p>An array of objects is constructed in the same way as an array of primitive type data elements.</p> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println(\'element at \' + i : arr[i].id_no +\' \'+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \' \'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\'Reema \']=\'95\'; $marks[\'John\']=\'45\'; $marks [\'Rahul \']=\'20\'; echo \'Reema\'s Marks: \'.$marks [\'Reema \'].\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\'Reema\',95), array(2,\'john\',45), array(3,\'rahul\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\' \'; } echo \' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;></pre></arr.length;i++)>


Az objektumok tömbje ugyanúgy készül, mint a primitív típusú adatelemek tömbje.


 // Java program to create, store and display values for one-dimensional // array of objects class Employee { public int id_no; public String name; Employee(int id_no, String name) { this.id_no = id_no; this.name = name; } } // The Elements of the array are objects of a class Employee. public class Array_Objects_Example { public static void main (String[] args) { // declares an Array of integers. Employee[] arr; // assigning space for 5 objects of type Employee. arr = new Employee[5]; // storing the value for the first element of the array arr[0] = new Employee(111,&apos;Varun&apos;); // storing the value for the second elements of the array arr[1] = new Employee(121,&apos;Sukla&apos;); // so on... arr[2] = new Employee(131,&apos;Virat&apos;); arr[3] = new Employee(141,&apos;Anuskha&apos;); arr[4] = new Employee(151,&apos;Mohit&apos;); // accessing the elements of the specified array for (int i = 0; i <arr.length; i++) system.out.println(\\'element at \\' + i : arr[i].id_no +\\' \\'+ arr[i].name); } < pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Element at 0 : 111 Varun Element at 1 : 121 Sukla Element at 2 : 131 Virat Element at 3 : 141 Anuskha Element at 4 : 151 Mohit </pre> <h3>Multidimensional Arrays</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays are termed &apos;arrays of arrays&apos; as they can hold each element of an array with the reference of another array. These are also known as Jagged Arrays. A multidimensional array is constructed by adding a set of square brackets ([]) per dimension.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array </pre> <p> <strong>Example to store values in a Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; </pre> <p> <strong>Example of Multidimensional Array</strong> </p> <pre> class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \\' \\'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\\'Reema \\']=\\'95\\'; $marks[\\'John\\']=\\'45\\'; $marks [\\'Rahul \\']=\\'20\\'; echo \\'Reema\\'s Marks: \\'.$marks [\\'Reema \\'].\\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\\'Reema\\',95), array(2,\\'john\\',45), array(3,\\'rahul\\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\\' \\'; } echo \\' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3></pre></arr.length;>

Többdimenziós tömbök

A többdimenziós tömböket 'tömbök tömbjének' nevezik, mivel egy tömb minden elemét egy másik tömb hivatkozásával tárolhatják. Ezeket Jagged Array-nek is nevezik. Egy többdimenziós tömb összeállítása szögletes zárójelek ([]) készletének méretenkénti hozzáadásával történik.


 int[][] intArray = new int[10][20]; //a 2D array or matrix int[][][] intArray = new int[10][20][10]; //a 3D array 

Példa értékek tárolására többdimenziós tömbben

 arry[0][0]=10; arry[0][1]=20; arry[0][2]=30; arry[1][0]=40; arry[1][1]=50; arry[1][3]=60; arry[2][1]=70; arry[2][2]=80; arry[2][3]=90; 

Példa többdimenziós tömbre

 class multiDimensional_Example { public static void main(String args[]) { // declaring and storing data in 2-Dimensional array int arry[][] = { {12,17,19},{32,62,12},{37,34,32} }; // traversing and printing the 2-Dimensional array for (int i=0; i<3 3 ; i++) { for (int j="0;" < j++) system.out.print(arry[i][j] + \\' \\'); system.out.println(); } pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 12 17 19 32 62 12 37 34 32 </pre> <h2>4. PHP</h2> <p>PHP array is an ordered map (holds elements on the base of the key-value). It is utilized to hold multiple values of a similar data type in a single variable.</p> <p>PHP contains 3 kinds of array that are as follows:</p> <ol class="points"> <li>Indexed Array</li> <li>Associative Array</li> <li>Multidimensional Array</li> </ol> <h3>1. Indexed Array</h3> <p>PHP index is described by an integer number that begins with 0 (default value). The PHP array can store any data type, such as numbers, characters, strings, and objects. All PHP array data are allocated an index number by default.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax to store values</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow </pre> <h3>2. Associative Array</h3> <p>In PHP, the user can associate any specific name with each array elements using the &apos;=&gt;&apos; symbol.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); </pre> <p> <strong>Or</strong> </p> <pre> $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $marks[\\'Reema \\']=\\'95\\'; $marks[\\'John\\']=\\'45\\'; $marks [\\'Rahul \\']=\\'20\\'; echo \\'Reema\\'s Marks: \\'.$marks [\\'Reema \\'].\\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 </pre> <h3>3. Multidimensional Array</h3> <p>Multidimensional arrays in PHP are also termed as &apos;array of arrays&apos;. It enabled the user to store array data in a tabular format. PHP multidimensional array can be expressed in the form of a matrix which is denoted by row * column.</p> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\\'Reema\\',95), array(2,\\'john\\',45), array(3,\\'rahul\\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\\' \\'; } echo \\' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 </pre> <h2>5. Python</h2> <p>Python uses a module named &apos;Array&apos; to handle all the functions of Arrays in Python. It is helpful when the user wants to manipulate only particular data values. Given below are the keywords that are important to learn the concept of an array in Python:</p> <ul> <li>Element - Any data stored in an array is known an element.</li> <li>Index - Whenever an array stores any data, it has some numerical location known as index that is beneficial to identify the location of the element.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Syntax</strong> </p> <pre> from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) </pre> <p> <strong>Example</strong> </p> <pre> import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) </pre> <p> <strong>Output</strong> </p> <pre> First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80 </pre> <hr></3>

4. PHP

A PHP tömb egy rendezett leképezés (a kulcsérték alapján elemeket tartalmaz). Egyetlen változóban egy hasonló adattípus több értékének tárolására szolgál.

A PHP háromféle tömböt tartalmaz, amelyek a következők:

  1. Indexelt tömb
  2. Asszociatív tömb
  3. Többdimenziós tömb

1. Indexelt tömb

A PHP indexet egy egész szám írja le, amely 0-val kezdődik (alapértelmezett érték). A PHP tömb bármilyen adattípust tárolhat, például számokat, karaktereket, karakterláncokat és objektumokat. Minden PHP tömb adathoz alapértelmezés szerint indexszám tartozik.

Szintaxis az értékek tárolására

 $Colour =array(&apos;Red&apos;, &apos;White&apos;, &apos;Black&apos;, &apos;Yellow&apos;); 


 $Colour[0]=&apos;Red &apos;; $Colour[1]=&apos;White&apos;; $Colour[2]=&apos;Black&apos;; $Colour[3]=&apos;Yellow&apos;; 




 Colours are: Red, White, Black, Yellow 

2. Asszociatív tömb

A PHP-ben a felhasználó tetszőleges nevet rendelhet az egyes tömbelemekhez a '=>' szimbólum használatával.


 $marks =array(&apos;Reema&apos;=&gt;&apos;95&apos;,&apos;John&apos;=&gt;&apos;45&apos;,&apos;Rahul&apos;=&gt;&apos;20&apos;); 


 $marks[&apos;Reema &apos;]=&apos;95&apos;; $marks[&apos;John&apos;]=&apos;45&apos;; $marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;]=&apos;20&apos;; 


 <?php $marks[\\'Reema \\']=\\'95\\'; $marks[\\'John\\']=\\'45\\'; $marks [\\'Rahul \\']=\\'20\\'; echo \\'Reema\\'s Marks: \\'.$marks [\\'Reema \\'].\\' <br/>&apos;; echo &apos; John&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks[&apos;John&apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; echo &apos; Rahul&apos;s Marks: &apos;.$marks [&apos;Rahul &apos;].&apos; <br>&apos;; ?&gt; 


 Reema&apos;s Marks: 95 John&apos;s Marks: 45 Rahul&apos;s Marks: 20 

3. Többdimenziós tömb

A PHP többdimenziós tömbjeit „tömbök tömbjének” is nevezik. Lehetővé tette a felhasználó számára, hogy táblázatos formátumban tárolja a tömbadatokat. A PHP többdimenziós tömbje kifejezhető mátrix formájában, amelyet sor * oszlop jelöl.


 $emp = array ( array (1,&apos;Reema&apos;,95), array(2,&apos;john&apos;,45), array(3,&apos;rahul&apos;,20) ); 


 <?php $emp = array ( array (1,\\'Reema\\',95), array(2,\\'john\\',45), array(3,\\'rahul\\',20) ); for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < 3; $col++) { echo $emp[$row][$col].\\' \\'; } echo \\' <br/>&apos;; } ?&gt; 


 1 Reema 95 2 john 45 3 rahul 20 

5. Python

A Python egy „Array” nevű modult használ a Python tömbök összes funkciójának kezelésére. Akkor hasznos, ha a felhasználó csak bizonyos adatértékeket szeretne manipulálni. Az alábbiakban felsoroljuk azokat a kulcsszavakat, amelyek fontosak a Python tömb fogalmának megtanulásához:

  • Elem – A tömbben tárolt bármely adat ismert elem.
  • Index – Amikor egy tömb bármilyen adatot tárol, van valamilyen numerikus helye, amelyet indexnek neveznek, és ez hasznos az elem helyének azonosításához.


 from array import * arrayName = array(typecode, [data_to_be_initialized]) 


 import array as arry n = arry.array(&apos;i&apos;, [20, 40, 60, 80]) print(&apos;First array value:&apos;, n[0]) print(&apos;Second array value:&apos;, n[1]) print(&apos;Second last array value:&apos;, n[-1]) 


 First array value: 20 Second array value: 40 Second last array value: 80